Take back control of your wellbeing and live the life you want

Get out and stay out of anxiety, stress and/or chronic pain and illness - such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. and Fibromyalgia - by re-learning how to tune into and follow your own emotional guidance system


In order to take back control of your health, you need to know the cause of what’s gone wrong and then what to do about it. The simple truth is that you are not likely to get this from your local doctor's surgery.

You don’t have to settle for trying to manage your anxiety or chronic illness through a cocktail of medication or a short course of CBT – neither of these routes deal with the actual cause and therefore, cannot offer the solution.

The connection between stress/emotional issues and chronic anxiety and health issues is a scientifically proven truth. That is why my approach, based on the mind-body connection, is the answer so many people have been looking for.

Are you ready to take back control and live the life you actually want to?

Help for Chronic Fatigue Fibro Anxiety
Recovery for ME CFS Fibromyalgia

Mind Body Align™ Therapeutic Coaching

Interested in working with me one to one on your recovery? Click here to find out what you need to know and how to book a free call.

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Recovery course for ME CFS Fibromyalgia

ME/CFS Fibro Recovery Course

Help yourself to recover from ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety and other Chronic Health Conditions with my self-paced, online course. 

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